I am formally endorsing Tara Jebens-Singh to represent District 1 as our next Ramsey County Commissioner!
It has been an honor to serve the community as County Commissioner, and I did not take the decision to step down after 2024 lightly. There are so many things I enjoy about my role. I love the amount of work that we do coordinating boards and activities, overseeing the government, and making connections between them. It was through that work, as a board member for Northeast Youth & Family Services, that I got to really work with Tara. Being that connector is something that I really love, but it's something that Tara is even better at. And that’s what makes me confident in my decision to step down and excited for Tara to run. I couldn’t step away unless there was someone running who is not just okay, but that I am excited to vote for. It is such a gift to me, and also a gift to our community, that Tara is willing to serve. I am so, so excited to vote for Tara Jebens-Singh, and I hope you are too.
Tara is truly authentic. She has a willingness to be vulnerable and to engage with and listen to people in really loving and compassionate ways. And also, she has a deep understanding of the way complex systems intersect in ways that cause challenges in the community along with opportunities for growth and change. The county is involved in all those intersecting systems that are so connected to the work that Tara has already done in her life. It is not just that she has done that work, it's the way that she has done that work, building and engaging community, leading with authenticity and integrity.
I know, that from day one, Tara is going to be able to walk onto the board, and have so much information and understanding to be able to advocate for this community. That is most important, that from day one, Tara is going to be able to make that impact. Tara, with her knowledge and expertise, is positioned to be a great leader at the county and for all of us here in District 1. I can not express my excitement enough for Tara and for all of us who are going to benefit from her leadership.